Disease Pattern and Outcome of Newborn Admitted in SCANU of Sheikh Sayera Khatun Medical College & 250 Bed General Hospital, Gopalgonj, Bangladesh

Published 11-11-2021
- Disease pattern,
- outcome,
- Sepsis,
- asphyxia
Copyright (c) 2021 The Insight

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Introduction: Neonatal period or the first 28 days of life, is the most vulnerable period of human life as it accounts for a very high morbidities and mortalities, most of which are preventable. Neonatal mortality and morbidity pattern is a sensitive indicator of availability, utilization and effectiveness of maternal and child health services in the community, and are useful in planning for improved healthcare delivery. This study was aimed to see the pattern of neonatal morbidity and its outcome in SCANU (Special Care Newborn Unit) of Sheikh Sayera Khatun Medical College (SSKMC) & 250 Bed General Hospital, Gopalgonj. This can help to take preventive measures and initiate a program for better neonatal management to reduce morbidity and mortality. Methods: This retrospective analytical study was conducted over one year from Jan-Dec.20 among the newborn admitted in SCANU of SSKMC. Results: Among 2169 newborn 1393(64%) were male and 776(36%) female. M:F-1.79:1. Inborn was 258(12%) and out born 1911(88%). Seventy percent (1523) baby delivered by LUCS and 646(30%) by NVD. Most (61%) presented in <24 hours of birth, 32% within 1-7 days and rest later. Preterm low birth weight (LBW) 829 (38%), sepsis 711(32.78%), and perinatal asphyxia 359(16.55%) was predominant diseases for SCANU admission. Most newborn (87.84%) 1905 were discharged from hospital, and 79(3.64%) newborn left against medical advice. Mortality rate was 10.83% (235), and common causes are Sepsis 101(43%), perinatal asphyxia 68(29%) and Preterm LBW with complications 66(28%). Conclusion: Preterm LBW, Sepsis, and Perinatal asphyxia were the major causes of our neonatal admissions. The mortality rate was higher among the neonates with sepsis, perinatal asphyxia and preterm LBW and its complication. Most of the patients were discharged home after complete recovery.