Categories of Articles

The journal accepts original research, review articles, and case reports for publication.

Original Research:

The original, in-depth research article that represents new and significant contributions to medical science will be accepted. Each manuscript should be accompanied by a structured abstract of up to 250 words using the following headings: Objective, Methods and Materials, Results, Conclusions, and Keywords. Three to five keywords to facilitate indexing should be provided in alphabetical order below the abstract. The text should be arranged in sections on INTRODUCTION, METHODS and MATERIALS,  RESULTS, and  DISCUSSION.

The typical text length for such contributions is up to 3500 words (including title page,  abstract,  tables, figures,    acknowledgments, and key messages). The number of references should be limited to 30.

Review Articles:

Review articles will be considered for publication on a merit basis. Following types of review, articles can be submitted under this category: Newer drugs, new technologies, new management, and review of a current concept. The manuscript should not exceed 3000 words (including tables and figures). A review article should include an abstract of up to 250 words describing the need and purpose of the review, methods used for locating, selecting, extracting, and synthesizing data, and main conclusions. The number of references should be limited to 30.

Case Reports:

Only case reports of exceptional quality will be published in the case report format. A case report should have a brief abstract of about 150 words. The text should not exceed 1200 words and is arranged as the introduction, case report, and discussion. The number of tables/figures should be limited to 3. Reference should include up to 10 most recent references of 3 years including the current year. The written consent of the patient or of the legal guardian for publication must be obtained. terbaru