Vol. 7 No 01 (2024)
Original Article

Association between Maternal Diabetes Mellitus and the Risk of Premature Birth

Shaila Sharmin
Resident Surgeon, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, BIRDEM General Hospital (Woman & Children), Dhaka, Bangladesh

Publiée 2024-11-15


  • Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM),
  • Premature Birth,
  • Hyperglycemia in Pregnancy (HIP)

Comment citer

Association between Maternal Diabetes Mellitus and the Risk of Premature Birth. The Insight [Internet]. 15 nov. 2024 [cité 24 févr. 2025];7(01):316-25. Disponible sur: https://bdjournals.org/index.php/insight/article/view/536


Introduction: Hyperglycemia in pregnancy (HIP), both Diabetes mellitus (DM) and gestational DM (GDM) are the most common medical complications of pregnancy and they carry a significant risk to the fetus and the mother. Prematurity, congenital malformations, and perinatal morbidity remain common compared with the offspring of non-diabetic pregnancies. Methods & Materials: This case-control study was conducted in the Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, BIRDEM General Hospital from 1st November 2019 to 30th November 2020 on 150 pregnant women (DM-50, GDM-50, and Non-DM non-GDM-50). Data were collected via structured sheets and analyzed with SPSS and Excel, with quantitative data as mean/standard deviation and qualitative data as frequency/percentage. Result:  In the present study, most of the participants in all Group-1 [28 (70.0%)], Group-2 [31 (77.5%)], and Group-3 [27 (67.5%)] received ANC regularly. family history of diabetes, history of miscarriage, and BOH, were common risk factors. In normal vaginal deliveries, prolonged labor is found more whereas in LUCS, it was observed that Previous CS is found more in Group-3, while Macrosomia and Malpresentation are found more in Group-2 and Group-1, and fetal disease was found more in Group-2. In this study frequency of premature birth was significantly higher in the DM group (27.5%) & GDM (20.0%) than those in the normal group (7.5%). Conclusion: Pregnancy with DM and GDM is significantly linked to higher rates of preterm birth, a leading cause of neonatal death. Early diabetes screenings are essential for timely detection, prevention, and management.