An Intradermal Examination Amongst Patients with Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis and Atopic Dermatitis
Published 15-08-2022
- Allergens,
- Asthma,
- Dermatitis,
- Nasobronchial Awareness,
- Intradermal
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Introduction: Allergies and asthma are a developing reason for worry in the current day and this could be credited to the ascent in urbanization and industrialization. Recognizable proof of allergens by intradermal test in patients with asthma, excessively touchy rhinitis, and dermatitis. Unfavorably susceptible rhinitis is a worldwide medical condition that causes significant disease and inability around the world. Patients from all nations, every single ethnic gathering, and of any age experience the ill effects of
unfavorably susceptible rhinitis. Methods: This study was conducted from January 2018 to December 2021 at the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Community Based Medical College & Hospital, Bangladesh. A sum of 188 allergens including 48 sorts of dust, 18 parasites, 15 bugs, 13 kinds of residue, 8 creature dander, 8 sorts of texture and plume, and 78 sorts of food varieties, dust vermin, and parthenium was tried. Result: In this audit, the huge allergens were dust (58.51) followed by food assortments (41.48%), bugs (7.97%), and cleaning (6.92%). Among dust allergens, Brassica campestris (8%) was a huge allergen
followed by Ageratum conyzoides (7%) and Artemisia scoparia (6%) Cannabis sativa, Cynodon dactylon, and Maerua Arenaria (5%). Among the parasitic social affair, Alternaria tenuis, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus treats, Candida albicans, Penicillium sp., Rhizopus nigricans (3%), Fusarium solani (2%) were found. In the bug bundle, mosquito (7%), bug (6%), grasshopper (5%), scarab (male), moth, and house fly (4%) were the critical allergens. Among the buildup allergens, grain dust rice (3%), straw buildup, house buildup, and grain dust bajra (2%) were found. Among the food allergens, prawn (5%), almonds, Baker's yeast, Bengal gram (3%) and mushroom, mango prepared, rajma, cinnamon, chocolate, beans new, and areca nut (2%) were found. Conclusion: It can be said that the data could help with preparing allergens around here and help to treat patients by immunotherapy or avoidance framework.