Vol. 5 No. 01 (2021)
Original Article

An observational study on Bronchiectasis to find out clinical pattern

MD Zahidul Islam Khan
Assistant Professor (Medicine),Sher-E-Bangla Medical College, Barisal
M A Azhar
Professor(Ex) &head of the department(Medicine), SSMC, Mitford head of the department (Medicine), SSMC, Mitford, Dhaka
Pros and Cons of Covid-19 Vaccines – an editorial

Published 19-09-2021


  • Bronchiectasis,
  • Investigation,
  • Aetiology,
  • Management

How to Cite

An observational study on Bronchiectasis to find out clinical pattern. Planet (Barisal) [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];5(01):5. Available from: https://bdjournals.org/index.php/planet/article/view/4


Background: Although infection plays a main role in bronchiectasis there are many other causes. It is difficult to find out aetiology always but aetiology finding makes it easy to treat.

Materials & Method: Fifty cases of bronchiectasis were selected from outdoor& indoor of the department of pulmonary medicine & Internal medicine of SSMCH in this observational & prospective study for one year. Verbal & written consent was taken from each patient. Clinical history & examination was done thoroughly. All investigations were done properly. Diagnosis of Bronchiectasis was confirmed by HRCT of chest. Dry Bronchiectasis & ILD were excluded. All data were analyzed with SPSS version 20.0.

Results mean age of patients 41.3 years, M:F= 0.85:1. Bacterial Infection was the common cause (30%), tuberculosis (26%). No definitive aetiological diagnosis was established in 54% of the patients. H.influenzae (56%), Pneumococcus(18%), Stph.aureus (14%), P.auriginosa (12%) were found in sputum culture.

Conclusion: If Bronchoscopy, sweet test,genetic test for CF can be done then proper etiology will be found for better management. Sputum for C/S should be done in follow-up visit to improve the management


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