Published 15-08-2022
- ketofol,
- propofol,
- surgical procedure
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Introduction: Outpatient anesthesia for the minor day-care surgical actions needs a safe anesthesia and anesthetic agents. Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to evaluate effectiveness between ketofol and propofol in minor surgical procedure in Bangladesh. Methods: This experimental study was conducted at the Department of Anesthesiology, Sylhet Women's Medical College Hospital, Bangladesh. The study duration was 15 months, from January 2019 to March 2020, with a total of 200 participants. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the participants following inclusion and exclusion criteria. Informed consent was obtained from each participant, and ethical approval was obtained from the ethical review committee of the study hospital. The participants were divided in two groups, with 100 participants in each group, where group A patients received 50 mg (5 ml) Ketofol, 25 mg ketamine and 25 mg propofol, while group B received 50 mg (5 ml) of propofol. Result: During the study, in group-A, duration of surgery was 16.21 ± 9.3 min whereas in group B it was 18.25 ± 9.5. According to intraoperative complication where in group-A, 14% had decreased level of SPO2<90% where as in group B it was 22% followed by 11% had apnea in group-A whereas in group B it was 9%. Also, in group A 3% had slow respiration, in group B it was 7%. Mean induction time for group-A was 30.20±4.17where as in group B it was 42.35±5.13. Conclusion: In mild surgical operations, mixing ketamin (ketofol) with propofol alone has some benefits relative to anesthesia. Because of the complementary action of reducing the dosage of both medications, the mixture has fewer antagonistic effects than each drug itself. For better outcomes, further analysis is needed.