Vol. 6 No. 01 (2022)
Original Article

Role of Conservative Management in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients inTertiary Level Hospital

Md. Tofael Hossain Bhuiyan
Professor and Head (Neurosurgery), Rangpur Medical College Hospital, Rangpur, Bangladesh
Rajkumar Roy
Associate Professor (Neurosurgery), Rangpur Medical College Hospital, Rangpur, Bangladesh
Mst. Shamima Sultana
Assistant Professor (Neurosurgery), Rangpur Medical College Hospital, Rangpur, Bangladesh
Md. Habibur Rahman
Assistant Professor (Neurosurgery), Rangpur Medical College Hospital, Rangpur, Bangladesh
Md. Zahidul Islam
Associate Professor (Orthopedic Surgery), Rangpur Medical College Hospital, Rangpur, Bangladesh
Md. Mahbubul Islam
Assistant Professor (Community Medicine), Rangpur Medical College Hospital, Rangpur, Bangladesh
Md. Taifur Rahaman
Assistant Professor (Anesthesiology), Rangpur Medical College Hospital, Rangpur, Bangladesh

Published 15-08-2022


  • TBI,
  • CT and MRI (MRIs),
  • Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS),
  • ICP

How to Cite

Role of Conservative Management in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients inTertiary Level Hospital. Planet (Barisal) [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 9];6(01):75-8. Available from: https://bdjournals.org/index.php/planet/article/view/173


Background: Traumatic brain injuries are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in moderntimes and it is a huge health sector burden. Understanding the mechanism of traumatic brain injury leads to the development of guidelines for the management of traumatic brain injury. Objective: The general objective of this study was to investigating the role of conservative management for
treating traumatic brain injury (TBI) in Bangladesh. Method: Data were collected from non-operated cases of traumatic brain injury. Total number of samples were 300. Duration of this study was 6 months from date of approval. The nature of the study was a prospective observational study. Result: Mean and Std. Deviation of age of the patients was 33.8653± 16.72 years, maximum 49% patients age between 26 to 50 years, 83.3%patients were male and 16.7% patients were female. Average hospitalstay was 3.12
days. There was no significant relationship between age groups and Since events of injury to RpMCH. There was positive relationship between age group and mode of injury such as Assault and RTA but p value was 0.067 which was not statistically significant. The association of CT findings with vomiting, headache, vertigo. P value was statistically significant in vomiting and vertigo but not significant in headache. Conclusion: Radiologically significant EDH, SDH, SAH, Skull fracture contusion and Cerebral Oedema can be treated conservatively which depends on the neurological state of the patients rather than the size of lesion. When conservative treatment is considered, adequate neuro observation is mandatory.