Vol. 7 No. 02 (2023)
Original Article

Exploring the Key Triggers of Domestic Violence in Bangladesh

Mustak Ahmmed Ruhel
Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Forensic Medicine, Jalalabad Ragib-Rabeya Medical College, Sylhet, Bangladesh

Published 14-11-2024


  • Domestic Violence (DV),
  • Psychological Abuse,
  • Sexual Violence,
  • Physical Abuse,
  • Women's Health

How to Cite

Exploring the Key Triggers of Domestic Violence in Bangladesh. Planet (Barisal) [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 14 [cited 2025 Mar. 18];7(02):90-5. Available from: https://bdjournals.org/index.php/planet/article/view/567


Introduction: Domestic violence (DV) against women is a serious social and public health issue globally. Domestic violence, whether it be through physical, financial, psychological, or social abuse, or any combination of these, makes women captive in families and societies. The aim of the study is to explore the key triggers of domestic violence in Bangladesh. Materials & Methods: This is a community-based, cross-sectional survey conducted to determine magnitude and determinants of DV against women by their husband in Sylhet District. Participants were randomly selected from Sylhet city. This study was conducted in 6 months duration from April to September 2021. Based on the distribution of Sylhet population in rural and urban areas, we screened 500 participants’ villages nearby Sylhet city and Sylhet city among them 125 women were finally given consent and selected in this study. Women were selected randomly from those attending rural health-care units in the selected villages and both Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical Collage Hospital in Sylhet city. Results: Regarding domestic violence 46(36.8%) responded mention that psychological violence among them 31(67.4%) insulted/made feel bad about self, 22(47.8%) belittled or humiliated in front of other people, 13(28.3%) scared or intimidated on purpose and 10(21.7%) threatened when asking friends/family. Conclusion: Common violences were physical, sexual, psychological violence, and combination of two or more.