Published 21-09-2021
Copyright (c) 2018 The Planet

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Background: Viral hepatitis is the most common cause of acute hepatitis. Viral hepatitis is caused by infection with any of at least five distinct viruses. Out of them, the three most commonly identified viruses in developing countries are Hepatitis A Virus (HAV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV). Hepatitis A Virus and hepatitis E virus spread by faecooral route which are endemic in those area where sanitation is poor. Hepatitis B virus spreads by parenteral, sexual and vertical transmission. Materials and methods: This is a prospective study conducted in Medicine unit -II of Sher-eBangla Medical College Hospital, Barishal, Bangladesh over a period of six months (January '18 to June '18) among the patients of Acute Viral Hepatitis to find out the underlying aetiology, to see the patterns of presentation and risk factors. Result: Male (76.7%) and younger age group<30yrs (73.3%) constituted the bulk of the cases. Majority of the cases (81 %) came from low socioeconomic condition. Out of 120 patients of Acute Viral Hepatitis, 70% are caused by HEV, 23.3% by HBV and 6.7% by HAV.
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