Published 21-09-2021
- Neurovascular island flap,
- Reconstruction of the thumb,
- Littler flap
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Introduction: This study was done to observe the results of neurovascular island flap utilized in the treatment of pulp defects of thumb. Methods: Nine patients were included in the study from 2014 to 2018. Eight of the patients were male and one was female. Mean age was 42.77 (range 28 to 65) years. Seven patients had tissue defects on their right thumb, and two on their left. The sensory and functional outcomes and wound healing on the receiving site were evaluated. Additionally, we determined a 2-point discrimination and cortical re-orientation. Results: In all patients, the flap was healthy and no necrosis was observed. Mobility and stability of the thumb were optimal in all cases. In 2 patients, scar tissue development was observed at the donor site, but there was no functional deterioration. Sensory examination was normal in all patients. Mean value of 2-point discrimination was determined as 6.5 (range 3-10) mm. Conclusion: Littler neurovascular island flap is an effective treatment which reestablishes sensory ability in the thumb injuries with tissue loss.
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