Vol. 4 No. 02 (2020)
Original Article

Evaluation of the Results of Treatment of Distal Tibial Fracture by Minimally Invasive Locking Plate Osteosynthesis

Md. Khademul Islam
Assistant Professor
Md. Shafiqul Islam
Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Orthopaedics, SBMCH, Barishal
Anjan Kumar Das
Assistant Professor, Forensic Medicine, Sheikh Sayera Khatun Medical College, Gopalganj
Md. Shihab Uddin
Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Orthopaedics, SBMCH, Barishal
Quazi Shahid-ul Alam
Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Orthopaedics, DMCH, Dhaka

Published 20-09-2021

How to Cite

Evaluation of the Results of Treatment of Distal Tibial Fracture by Minimally Invasive Locking Plate Osteosynthesis. Planet (Barisal) [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 27];4(02):5. Available from: https://bdjournals.org/index.php/planet/article/view/22


Distal tibial fractures are considered as one the most difficult fractures to treat in orthopedic surgery because of the limited soft tissue, the subcutaneous location, and poor vascularity. classic open reduction and internal plate fixation requires extensive soft tissue dissection and periosteal stripping produce high rates of infection, delayed union and nonunion. In distal tibial comminuted fracture LCP fixation relies on the principle of minimally invasive locking plate Osteosynthesis (MIPO). Thus by maintaining fracture biology improves callus formation and bone healing. To assess the success of Minimally Invasive Locking plate Osteosynthesis (MIPO). This prospective interventional study was over a period of two years between July 2012 to June 2014-in the dept. of Orthopedics and Traumatology, DMCH. In this study, 11 patients of distal tibial fracture were selected during study period. In this study, the age of the patients was between 21-61 years, mean age being 40 years. Male-female ration was 8:3. Most (54.55%) of the patients were affected on the right side. The outcome of distal tibial fracture treated by Minimally Invasive Locking Plate Osteosynthesis (MIPO) demonstrated excellent to good result in majority of the cases.


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