Vol. 4 No. 02 (2020)
Original Article

Outcome of Bridge Technique with Fibular Graft in Patients with Distal Tibial Non-Union

Md. Mehedi Newaz
Associate Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics, Khulna Medical College & Hospital
Md. Abdul Kader
.Assistant Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics, Khulna Medical College & Hospital
Avijit Kumar Sikder
Junior Consultant (Orthopaedics), Khulna Medical College Hospital
Shibendu Mistry
Resident Surgeon (Orthopaedics), Khulna Medical CollegeHospital
Md. Moniruzzaman
Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics, Sher-E-Bangla Medical College, Barishal

Published 20-09-2021


  • Bridge graft,
  • , fibular graf,
  • tibia nonunion,
  • bone graft

How to Cite

Outcome of Bridge Technique with Fibular Graft in Patients with Distal Tibial Non-Union. Planet (Barisal) [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 1];4(02):6. Available from: https://bdjournals.org/index.php/planet/article/view/19


Background: Non-union is an inevitable consequence in many circumstances of compound distal tiabial fracture. In many recent research papers, now-a-days, it has been claimed that bridge graft with fibula is good treatment option for management of such cases of non-union in clinical situations with distal tibial fracture. Methodology: This prospective study was conducted with a toal number of 12 patients with non-infected distal tibial non-union were treated with fibular graft technique from October, 2014 toSeptember 2020 in Khulna Medical College Hospital and in private hospitals. To select sample, convenient purposive sampling was used. Results: Among the study population, 58.3% (07) patients were male. 33.3% (04) of male patients were in 30-40 years age group, whereas in female patients, majority of the patients (25%) were in 40-50 years age group. Road traffic accident was found as the commonest mode of injury in 50% (06) patients of distal tibial fracture. Gustilo-Anderson grade IIIA was the most
common type (58.3%). Excellent outcome was observer in 75% (09) patients. In 58.3% (07) patient, there was no chronic pain in follow-up. However, chronic pain at donor site was found in approximately 33.3% (04) patients. Only in 1 patient (8.3%) persistent chronic pain was observed donor site. Healing occurred fairly by primary intention in 83.3% (10) patients, whereas in 16.7% (02) patients, healing occurred by secondary intention. Overall in 75% (09) patients, no obvious complication was observed. Refractory complication was observed in only 1 patient (8.3%). Conclusion: Bridge graft with fibula for managing distal tibial non-union is
aresilient treatment option with fewer and manageable complications.


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