Vol. 4 No. 01 (2020)
Original Article

A Comparative Study on Outcome of Ileostomy versus Colostomy for Temporary Decompression of Colorectal Anastomosis

Dr. Md. Abdur Rahim
Assistant professor,Department of surgery,Sher-e-Bangla medical College,Barishal
Dr. Fardhus
Assistant professor,Department of surgery,Sher-e-Bangla medical college,Barishal
Dr. Prodop Kumar Karmokar
Assistant professor,Department of surgery,Sher-e-Bangla medical college,Barishal

Published 20-09-2021

How to Cite

A Comparative Study on Outcome of Ileostomy versus Colostomy for Temporary Decompression of Colorectal Anastomosis. Planet (Barisal) [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];4(01):9. Available from: https://bdjournals.org/index.php/planet/article/view/27


Background: The use of loop ileostomy or loop transverse colostomy represents an important issue in colorectal surgery. The rate as well as the clinical outcome of anastomotic leakage in colorectal anastomosis necessitates a loop stoma for fecal diversion. The aim of this study was to determine the outcome of loop transverse colostomy compared to loop ileostomy as a temporary defunctioning stoma following colorectal surgery with colorectal anastomosis. Objectives: To find out the outcome of ileostomy versus colostomy for temporary decompression of colorectal anastomosis. Study Design: It was a prospective observational
study. Place of study: Sher-E-Bangla Medical College Hospital, Barisal .Result: In this study total number of patients 60, female were more in colostomy group. Median age was 62¬±¬¬¬¬12 years in ileostomy group and 64±14 years in colostomy group. . The two groups (IL, CL) were more or less similar to primary pathology where carcinoma rectum is the leading cause. The time of first stoma action is 2 days in ileostomy group and 4.5 days in colostomy group. There was a highly significant difference / etween the groups in the interval from stoma construction and its subsequent first action (<0.001). The length of stay in hospital was greater in the colostomy group. Distal suture line dehiscence confirmed radiological or on digital examination, occurred in 1 patient in the ileostomy group (3%) and 3 in the colostomy group (10%) expressed some discomfort on change of appliance. During closure of stoma, anstomotic leakage is occurred in 1 (3%) ileostomy patients and in 3 (9%) colostomy patients. Overall complication rate (table 3.4) specially wound infection, anastomotic leakage&hospital stay are more in colostomy group. Conclusion: Both ileostomy and colostomy provide a good operative outcome. But construction, as well as closure of loop colostomy had relatively more complications in routine use for temporary decompression of colorectal anastomosis.


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