Vol. 5 No. 01 (2021)
Original Article

Dealing of 100 Cases of Mastalgia at Sadar Hospital, Laxmipur

Sharmin Jahan
Assistant professor Mugda Medical College and Hospital
Most. Nasrin Jahan
Assistant professor, Pharmacology, SBMC, Barishal
Pros and Cons of Covid-19 Vaccines – an editorial

Published 20-09-2021


  • Mastalgia,
  • breast pain

How to Cite

Dealing of 100 Cases of Mastalgia at Sadar Hospital, Laxmipur. Planet (Barisal) [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];5(01):8. Available from: https://bdjournals.org/index.php/planet/article/view/6


Introduction Introduction: Mastalgia is a common and painful experience among women,
adversely affecting daily life by reducing the quality of life and yielding to anxiety. The purpose
of the present study was to find out the related factor that cause mastalgia and its relation with
benign or malignant breast disease.

Methods This study was carried out in OPD (outpatient department) of surgery at Sadar
Hospital, Laxmipur from January 2018 to June 2019. About 100 cases were selected from OPD
of surgery with pain in the breast. It was prospective type of observational study. All patient
enrolled into the study underwent a standard survey via Questionnaire. Physical examination
was carried out in all patients. Ultrasonography and mammography were done when necessary
to exclude benign disease or occult malignancy. After taking informed consent about to the
response of treatment of patient and follow up of patients were scheduled at 4, 8 and 16 weeks.
Mastalgia severity and effect on daily life, sleep patterns, and sexuality were evaluated with the
aid of a visual analogue scale graded from 0 to 10.

Results Age distribution of the study was 30 -50 years, mean 40 years. We had found some
related factor that cause increase breast pain like age of patient, emotional stress level,
consumption of caffeine/tea, smoking, number of pregnancy and breast feeding, weight of
patient and the presence of any recent trauma to the breast, pre-menopausal syndrome, benign
breast disease like fibrocystic disease, cyst, fibroadenoma etc. and its relationship to the
menstrual cycle or not. In this study about 70% of the patients treated with reassurance,
wearing appropriate bra and daily life style changes like weight loss, stop smoking and use mild
analgesia like (acetaminophen).
Conclusion Most of the mastalgia patient can be managed by reassurance and good bra
support without further intervention.


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